BLOG - August 2, 2023 The psychology of change Resisting change is human nature – or is it? Sometimes change is exhilarating. Sometimes change is petrifying. Whether you love and seek out regular change, or you are put-off by it, it’s important to understand why it has the effect that it does on us. In this article, we take a look at the psychology of change, and how it might be impacting you. Good Change Versus Bad Change No matter how we feel about…
BLOG - June 19, 2023 Combatting self-doubt as an entrepreneur Self-doubt is a huge obstacle many face in their entrepreneurship journey. It can prevent us from taking important steps forward, impact performance, and can even negatively affect the way others view us. While a degree of self-doubt and insecurity is a part of being human, letting it hold you back from success helps no one. What is self-doubt and where does it come from? Doubt is a lack of trust, certainty, or conviction; in the…
BLOG - June 14, 2023 You can’t have success without taking risks and making choices Going into business is a calculated risk. So is moving to a new city for a new job, applying for a position outside your comfort zone, or asking for a raise you believe you deserve. When considering your future career goals and entrepreneurship, planning on taking calculated risks is critically important. Opportunities for growth. Canadian writer and motivational speaker Robin Sharma once said, “If you’re not failing a lot, then you’re not doing very much.”…
BLOG - April 21, 2023 How Important is Changing Your Life? We all have a choice when we are not happy or fulfilled. We can wallow in our misery, or we can choose to make a change. We can continue to feel trapped, diminished, and overwhelmed, or we can choose a road travelled by those we admire. Call it following your dreams. Call it taking a leap of faith. Call it whatever you want – there’s a moment when pursuing your goals where, to change your…
BLOG - April 20, 2023 Experiencing burnout? Two-thirds of full-time workers experience burnout on the job. While our typical image of a worker suffering burnout might be a doctor, nurse, or therapist, this is a big problem in the corporate world as well. As it turns out, mismanaged corporations are a huge cause behind workplace burnout, and there is little the professional working for them can do if they choose to stay. What is workplace burnout? According to the Mayo Clinic, “burnout…
BLOG - April 19, 2023 Schooley Mitchell Is Recession Proof The term “recession proof” refers to industries and companies that are well insulated from the negative impact of an economic downturn. Traditionally, businesses that are least impacted by a recession are those dealing in essential services. Health care, grocery stores, senior care, maintenance – critical services that you just can’t do away with when trimming the fat. There are plenty of steps that any business can take to help guard against recession, and one of…